In 1995 Ad Depot’s vision of storefront advertising began. It has been our privilege to assist our clients with every facet of advertising from logo and brochure design, map creation, advertising campaigns and custom magazine production.
The downturn in the economy resulted in the challenge of many of our clients to reinvent their businesses, including our own. As a result of the downward spiral, inspiration for our first custom magazine, The 2010 Lely Resort Resident & Guest Guide, was born. Ad Depot designed and printed three subsequent annual Resident Guides for the community of Lely Resort. The success of our Lely magazine gave way to seven additional custom client publications. Over these many years, our real estate roots run deep. Ad Depot was commissioned by realtor clients to design custom floor plan magazines for prominent areas of Naples. The Everglades City Area Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Guide, Volumes I and II are annual publications designed and printed for the |
Everglades City area. Our impressive list of magazines is testament to Ad Depot’s accomplishments in custom publishing.
The adventure continues with ENcompass, the East Naples Community Magazine. Our newest venture is published five times per year. The communities of East Naples are experiencing rapid growth and we continue to expand our ENcompass distribution, currently mailed to 33 surrounding communities in the area.
As we embark on our third decade in business, we and many of our clients have not only survived…but evolved. Ad Depot will continue educating our clients with past experiences, listen and learn from others and move forward with success.
